Who do you go to when you fall sick? Certainly not a teacher, when you have a run-in with the law? A lawyer, good you are getting the hang of the game. How about when you need a haircut? I know I would not go to a farmer for that one. For every need/want, the satisfaction lies in the capacity of someone. Do you ever wonder why there are so many professions? It is because “human wants are insatiable” those were Gagnier’s words anyway. It is a good thing you know who to go to when you have a toothache, but there are some challenges you might face in life that can only be solved by a mentor. Do you know those challenges? Will you be able to recognize them when they confront you? Not to worry, I will help you highlight some signs that you need help with mentoring.
You are confused. Are you at a crossroad in your life or career and do not know which way to go? If you are, this is a sure sign that you need a mentor. Remember, mentors have more experience; they have been there and done that. Who better to help you out of your confused state than a person who has been in your shoes.
Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.
Proverbs 11:14 MSG
You have difficulty in setting and achieving goals. This happens to the best of us. Perhaps, you do not know how to go about setting your life or career goals. Or you have set goals, but you find it challenging to achieve. Getting a mentor is the answer; mentors are empowered with tools to help you set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. And as for achieving your goals, they nudge you in the right direction, give you useful tips and cheer for you.
You feel lonely. Sometimes in life, we feel alone, like we are an island. If you need someone to always be in your corner, supporting and cheering for you, you should get a mentor. Mentors know what you are going through, and they understand how much you need support. Sometimes, support comes in the form of a pat on the back or a shoulder to cry on.
Your network is failing. As a business/career person, you probably have a system that you source from when you need them. However, it is not unusual for this system to fail you. When you begin to notice this, it might be the best time to get a mentor. After all, your mentor is in the same field and will have built a network for themself too. Your mentor can connect you with their network.
You want to succeed. “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” Most of the successful business owners in the world had mentors to help them through the way. Steve Jobs mentored Mark Zuckerberg, That is huge! If you and to succeed in whatever path you have chosen, get a mentor who will show you the ropes, point you in the right direction and help you circumvent avoidable mistakes.
If you fall into any of the above mentioned category, you should begin to consider having a mentor. It would make thing a lot easier for you.
Do you have a mentor? Please share how they have helped you. I will be waiting in the comment section.