Signs and symptoms are abnormalities that can indicate a possible medical condition. A sign is any objective evidence of a disease that can be observed by others. In medicine, practitioners use signs and symptoms to diagnose a patient’s sickness or illness. When particular parts of the body begin to malfunction, some indicators point the doctor in the direction of where the problem is, these indicators are the signs.
“And since you don’t know when the time will come, be on guard! Stay alert!”
Mark 13:33
Hopefully, you will find yourself in a productive and rewarding mentoring relationship. That said, occasionally, mentoring encounters challenges just like other relationships. A Yoruba proverb which translates as “The day an insane person recognizes his insanity, is the day he gets healed” means identifying a problem is the beginning of solving it. I have decided to share seven possible signs and problem indicators to look out for in your mentoring relationship.
Cancellation of appointments. At the start of a mentoring relationship, it is expected that a schedule would be drawn for meetings or an agreement as to how meetings will take place-if in an informal setting. However, when you begin to notice a regular cancellation of meetings, especially for little or no reason. That is a red flag you need to watch out for.
Lack/reduction in zeal: Every mentee starts with an intensity and enthusiasm; it is this initial zeal that drives them to seek out a mentor. That said, when you begin to notice a reduction in this initial zeal, you should know there is a problem.
Distraction. This is closely related to lack of zeal. Signs such as fiddling with phones or pens, losing track of what is being said at meetings and repeated visits to the toilet might seem inconsequential, but could also be something to watch out for.
Mentee ignoring advice /not following through on agreements. You know there is a problem when your mentee does not adhere or carry out actions on agreements previously made, especially if it has not been in the nature of the person to be slack or lazy about such things.
Failure to achieve goals. It is one thing to set goals; achieving them is another ball game. When your mentee is trying to achieve set goals to no avail, you should be at alert. It is a possible sign that something is not right in the relationship, and you need help.
Mentee having other mentors. Naturally, this should not be a problem, as a person can have mentors for different aspects of their lives. However, if your mentee feels the need to have a mentor in the same area you are mentoring them in, it could be an indicator that they are not satisfied with your relationship.
Exiting relationship. This is the ultimate stage, a mentee leaving a mentoring relationship before the agreed time, is the most apparent sign of displeasure in mentorship.
To avoid experiencing any of these signs in mentorship, you should apply yourself to be the best mentor possible and read “How to be a great mentor.”
Have you ever observed any of these signs in your mentoring relationship? Please share them with me.