Why do you need to eat? To satisfy hunger, why do you need to wear clothes? To cover your nakedness, why do you need a car? To transport yourself from one point to the other, why do you go to school? To acquire education. The list could go on and on, for everything you do, there is a reason, even for the most mundane of things. Anything you do without a reason is not worth doing. So, why do you need a mentor?
“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”– Sir Issac Newton
One of the things that is clear in the above quote, is this- On your own, you can see, but with a mentor you can see further. Often times, we like to believe we can ‘be’ it alone, but the truth is we need someone who will help us, a person who will hold our hands every step of the way. And this comes in the form of a mentor.
Do you need some other reasons why you need a mentor? Here are 10 of them:
Mentors provide you with the right information. Remember a mentor is someone who has gone ahead of you, they are in the best position to advise you. If you tap into their wealth of knowledge and experience, you would go further in your field, than you would without them.
Mentors are interested in your personal and professional growth. The main aim of a mentor is to see you become a success. They take you as a new challenge, and will work on you till you become a success in all ramifications. They help you to become a better version of yourself.
Mentors protect you from making certain mistakes. In every field there are certain errors or blunders that beginners often make, a mentor would protect you from making these mistakes. They would teach you how to surmount challenges without entering the pitfalls. You will learn how to work smarter, rather than harder.
Mentors are great advisers. A lot of times, people make some costly mistakes in their field or career because they do not have anyone to advise them, and push them in the right direction. A mentor is your personal adviser, you can trust them any day to give valuable advice.
Mentors are trusted sounding boards. With a mentor, you can always be sure to get 100% honesty. Because they do not want you to fail, they will tell you as it is. They are honest while offering constructive criticisms. “A mentor is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction”
Mentors are connectors: A mentor can connect you to people within you field or industry that can help you grow to become a success. In their ears of experience, they would have built a network of friends and partners, who can be of help to you.
Mentors offer encouragement to keep you going. They are aware of the difficulties and challenges that you might face, that could cause frustration for you. Hence, they are always around to offer those words of encouragement you desperately need to hear.
Mentors help to develop discipline. A lot of times, businesses crash as a result of lack of discipline- financial discipline, emotional discipline and so on. A mentor is a person you are accountable to, you have to have a transparent relationship, and this will help develop discipline. Also, in the aspect of accomplishing tasks, a mentor helps you set goals, and pushes you till you achieve them, by accomplishing tasks.
Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.
Proverbs 10:17
Mentors watch out for areas where you need improvement and help you improve. They aim to make you a better version of yourself, so they seek out those areas that make you less than perfect, and perfect it. Do not forget, till you are the best, you have to keep improving.
Mentors are free!!! All these benefits are available to you for no charge. All you need to do is locate someone who is worthy to be called a mentor, and ask them to be yours.