Tunde was a bright young man, who had a good start in life. Being the first child in a family of three, he was a natural born leader. He went through secondary school effortlessly, graduated from the university with a first class degree. In fact, he graduated as the best student in his department. But that was about where Tunde’s good qualities ended. He was self- centered, arrogant, cruel and immoral. In the physical and superficial things of life, Tunde ticked the boxes. However, he lacked the depth- the other ingredients that makes a total man. Beneath the degrees, awards, fast cars and sharp suits who are you?
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?”-Mark 8:36. Is it a bad thing to gain the whole world? NO. Is it a terrible thing to lose the soul? YES. As much as we love the good things of life- the fame, the name, the power, it is imperative that we do not forget the soul, which is what really matters.
The total man is the one who has the physical and spiritual aspects of his life under control. His decisions are well ordered by both his intellect and his soul. As mentors and mentor leaders, we are called, not only to raise men and women who would excel in their professional lives, but also in their spiritual lives. Men who can walk with their heads held high in the society. Who you can trust to raise the next generation of leaders.
There are seven days in a week, each comes with its own duties and responsibilities. Some come with work responsibilities, some with family/domestic responsibilities and others with spiritual responsibilities. The total man is the one who can face each day with its responsibilities squarely in the face. He is a great business man/professional who can be trusted to deliver the best, he is the husband/father who is always there for his family and the member or leader who contributes his quota to ensure a seamless service.
Becoming a total man takes a conscious and continuous effort. It demands a constant awareness of the things beyond the physical, of a higher power to which we will be accountable to. A man who is aware of this, would make well -ordered decision, he would live a life worth living. He will not be found in the midst of corruption or moral decadence, in fact, he will be known to put a stop to it wherever he is found. There is a distinction between him and other people around him. He is a leader amongst leaders.